Microsoft Certified: (Windows Server 2022) Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate
Microsoft 公佈考生只要通過以下 2 個 Windows Server 2022 相關科目的考試,便可獲發 Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate
AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure
AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
- 在地及雲端的Active Directory Domain 登入服務 (Deploy and manage Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in on-premises and cloud environments)
- 管理 Windows 2022 server 的服務及負載 (Manage Windows Servers and workloads in a hybrid environment)
- 管理虛擬機器及容器 (Manage virtual machines and containers)
- 部署及管理在地及雲端的網絡服務 (Implement and manage an on-premises and hybrid networking infrastructure)
- 管理儲存及檔案服務 (Manage storage and file services)
- 管理在地及雲端的基礎架構安全 (Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures)
- 部署及管理高Windows 2022 的高可用性服務 (Implement and manage Windows Server high availability)
- 部署災難服原 (Implement disaster recovery)
- 轉移伺服器及負載 (Migrate servers and workloads)
- 監察及排解 Windows Server 環境問題 (Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments)
AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure (14堂)
AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services (10 堂)
- AZURE202301: 4 FEB 2023 起 (逄星期六) 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
- AZURE202302: 8 APR 2022 起 (逄星期六) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
原價 : HK$ 9000
現特價 : HK$ 6480
本公司接受匯豐銀行的信用卡,5 個月及12 個月分期
- 指定時段真人授課 (網課及實地上課同步進行, 實地上課座位有限. 詳情歡迎查詢)
- 重温上課錄影
- 我們是少數可以以廣東話回答學員提問之網上課程 , 同學可以經Whatsapp , Telegram , signal 或facebook 提問, 如有需要導師可以電話解答
- 學員在課堂時間以外, 可以經網上使用我們的虛擬機器 (virtual machine) 自行實習 , 簡化實習的準備時間
- 由導師直接遙控及排解學員在虛擬機器上遇到的學習問題
- 導師精編講義 (PDF)
Gary Au 為多元網絡的技術總監,已有十多年培訓經驗, 及為各類企業策劃IT技術方案,由Microsoft Windows 系統,Exchange 電郵,VMware Vsphere , Lotus Domino,以至各類資料庫,例如MSSQL , Oracle 都有深厚的管理經驗,並熟悉以Linux 提供各類方案 (個人網站 : )
我們除了是教學機構, 還是一間開業20年的系統集成商 (system integrator) , 教學的經驗 , 正是我們日常的工作而來 . 我們是微軟SPLA 正版租用授權供應商, 確保在課程使用的軟件為正版軟件. 而我們亦擁有自己的伺服器,為同學提供無拘束的實習享受
Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator 課程內容 :
Exam AZ-800: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure
- Deploy and manage Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in on-premises and cloud environments (30-35%)
- Manage Windows Servers and workloads in a hybrid environment (10-15%)
- Manage virtual machines and containers (15-20%)
- Implement and manage an on-premises and hybrid networking infrastructure (15-20%)
- Manage storage and file services (15-20%)
Introduction to AD DS
Manage AD DS domain controllers and FSMO roles
Implement Group Policy Objects
Manage advanced features of AD DS
Implement hybrid identity with Windows Server
Deploy and manage Azure IaaS Active Directory domain controllers in Azure
Manage Windows Servers and workloads in a hybrid environment
Perform Windows Server secure administration
Describe Windows Server administration tools
Perform post-installation configuration of Windows Server
Administer and manage Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine remotely
Manage hybrid workloads with Azure Arc
Just Enough Administration in Windows Server
Manage virtualization and containers in a hybrid environment
Configure and manage Hyper-V
Configure and manage Hyper-V virtual machines
Secure Hyper-V workloads
Plan and deploy Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
Customize Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine images
Automate the configuration of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
Run containers on Windows Server
Orchestrate containers on Windows Server using Kubernetes
Implement and operate an on-premises and hybrid networking infrastructure
Implement DNS for Windows Server IaaS VMs
Deploy and manage DHCP
Implement Windows Server DNS
Implement IP Address Management
Implement remote access
Implement hybrid network infrastructure
Implement Windows Server IaaS VM IP addressing and routing
Configure storage and file services
Manage Windows Server file servers
Implement Storage Spaces and Storage Spaces Direct
Implement Windows Server Data Deduplication
Implement Windows Server iSCSI
Implement Windows Server Storage Replica
Implement a hybrid file server infrastructure
Exam AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
- Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures (25-30%)
- Implement and manage Windows Server high availability (10-15%)
- Implement disaster recovery (10-15%)
- Migrate servers and workloads (20-25%)
- Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments (20-25%)
Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures
Implement Windows Server IaaS VM network security
Audit the security of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
Manage Azure updates
Create and implement application allowlists with adaptive application control
Configure BitLocker disk encryption for Windows IaaS Virtual Machines
Implement change tracking and file integrity monitoring for Windows IaaS VMs
Secure Windows Server DNS
Secure Windows Server user accounts
Hardening Windows Server
Windows Server update management
Implement Windows Server high availability
Introduction to Cluster Shared Volumes
Implement Windows Server failover clustering
Implement high availability of Windows Server VMs
Implement Windows Server File Server high availability
Implement scale and high availability with Windows Server VM
Implement disaster recovery in Windows Server on-premises and hybrid environments
Implement Hyper-V Replica
Implement hybrid backup and recovery with Windows Server IaaS
Protect your on-premises infrastructure from disasters with Azure Site Recovery
Protect your Azure infrastructure with Azure Site Recovery
Protect your virtual machines by using Azure Backup
Migrate servers and workloads in on-premises and hybrid environments
Migrate on-premises Windows Server instances to Azure IaaS virtual machines
Upgrade and migrate Windows Server IaaS virtual machines
Active Directory Domain Services migration
Migrate file server workloads using Storage Migration Service
Migrate Windows Server roles
Containerize and migrate ASP.NET applications to Azure App Service
Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments
Monitor Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines and hybrid instances
Monitor the health of your Azure virtual machine by using Azure Metrics Explorer and metric alerts
Monitor performance of virtual machines by using Azure Monitor VM Insights
Monitor Windows Server performance
Manage and monitor Windows Server event logs
Implement Windows Server auditing and diagnostics
Troubleshoot on-premises and hybrid networking
Troubleshoot Windows Server Virtual Machines in Azure
Troubleshoot Active Directory